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What is the use of knowledge when it is not used in an application? Useless. The knowledge which is not used in a real-time application is like a museum that is not visited by anyone. There can be tremendous and immense amount of things in the museum but when no one visits it just turns […]

Most of us fear failure, especially in public settings, and this fear of failure can have a negative impact on our ability to be creative. However, being innovative involves taking risks, and where there is risk, there is also the possibility of failure. Anyone who’s created something original will tell you: failure is an essential […]

Here are some tips and suggestions that can help to make your study time effective, help you remember more of what you’re learning, and ensure you succeed as an online student. 1. Note Taking – it’s important that while you study you take notes of key learning points for any questions that you want to […]

Hello readers! Blogging is a very busy profession. These thousands of topics bloggers write on. There are many things to learn from blogging as well. Here are 7 things I learnt from blogging: Writing Skills – This work does improve your writing skills. Even though everyone knows how to write, the style and method of […]

Hello readers! Reading is considered to be one of the best habits. Reading has been considered as the core part of learning any language. Here are 5 things I learnt from reading daily: Language Proficiency – After reading everyday, the fluency of any language becomes better. This also increases knowledge about different topics of a […]

Hello readers! Leading a team is a very nice experience. Here are 3 things which I learnt from leading a team: Teamwork – Leading a team taught me how to manage time with the team and work together. Teamwork is a very important skill which is needed when you do a job. This taught me […]

Hello teenagers! We all know how important mental health is. It is something which everyone should have knowledge about. Here are 5 mental health resources for teenagers: Teen Help – This is a specially designed website for teenagers which helps them for which helps them and their parents on health and social issues. Teen Help […]

Hello readers! Stress is something which has become very common. Teenagers have many issues in their lives. This makes them take stress. Here are 7 ways in which teenagers can deal with stress – Yoga – This exercise soothes a person’s body and makes the mind calm and stress free. A one hour session of […]

Hello teens! This post will be very important for all the teenagers. These days teenagers are very stressed either due to studies or personal lives. This makes them at times take very harsh steps, one of which is committing suicide. Here are 3 suicide helplines for teenagers: 9152987821 – This is the helpline of iCALL. […]

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