Understanding science is way harder than it seems. Applying the knowledge learnt in science and inventing something is the hardest. And explaining your invention in a way others can understand is the hardest nut to crack.
But in this blog we will read about a person who made the impossible possible.
Taylor Ramon Wilson is an American nuclear physics enthusiast and science advocate. He was just 10 years old when he gained interest in the field of nuclear science and before that, he was interested in rocketry and space science.
“Nuclear can be used for good or bad. There’s no putting the genie back in the bottle” he says.
In 2008, Wilson achieved nuclear fusion using an inertial electrostatic confinement (IEC) device, In 2010, Wilson entered the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair in San Jose, California, and won several awards for his project titled “Fission Vision: The Detection of Prompt and Delayed Induced Fission Gamma Radiation, and the Application to the Detection of Proliferated Nuclear Materials.” And from there his career began. And he reached heights achieving so many awards for so many projects.
“When I said I wanted to build a nuclear fusion reactor in the garage, I think most parents would say no. But my personality is persistent and persuasive. It’s important to distinguish IQ from what you do with it”, he said.
He also gave two speeches about his invention. And these two speeches which were released in Ted Talks, and also it was viewed almost 4m times. His achievements can give goose bumps for the ones who are reading about it.
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